Local ENC nurse gets creative to raise awareness

July 8, 2014


Update from Palmetto regarding Pulmonary rehab audits

July 3, 2014

Palmetto GBA Outpatient Pulmonary Rehab - G0424 The Jurisdiction 11 Part A Medical Review Department has performed a second round of prepayment service specific probe reviews on Outpatient Pulmonary Rehab...

Cardiac rehab…there is an app for that

June 5, 2014


Mahesh Patel MD, Physician Rep on the NCCRA Board delivers a presentation at ACSM’s National Conference

May 30, 2014

Dr. Patel, our physician presented at the ACSM National Conference this week in Orlando, Florida. His topic was "The Development of a Registry for Cardiorespiratory Fitness in the US". The...

Exercise Discipline Meeting minutes 03-2014

May 6, 2014

Exercise Discipline Minutes 2014

Nursing Discipline meeting information

April 28, 2014

NCCRA Nursing Disciple Survey Comments Nursing Discipline Meeting Minutes 2014

Pulmonary Discipline Meeting April 15th in High Point

April 1, 2014

Pulmonary Discipline Committee will be held: April 15, 2014 10:00 am – 1:00 pm High Point Regional Medical Center in the Cardiac Rehab. The purpose of the meeting will be...

Nutrition Discipline meeting at NCCRA 3-2014

March 21, 2014

Topics discussed in Nutrition Discipline meeting at NCCRA Date:  03/14/2014 Attendees:  Liz Watt, John Lamberson; Anju Agarwahl; Allison Garner; Dawn Farmer; Yvonne Smith; Laurie Ross; Toni Cox Topics Lipids What...

NCCRA Symposium Brochure and Slides

February 21, 2014

2014 Brochure Feb update Slides: Please note - we are posting handouts/slides as soon as they are received from our speakers.  Not all presenters have agreed to provide handouts in advanceso...

National Coverage Analyses Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) Programs – Chronic Heart Failure Posted final decision memo

February 19, 2014

Posted final decision memo http://www.cms.gov/medicare-coverage-database/details/nca-decision-memo.aspx?NCAId=270

Second NCCRA teleconference regarding Pulmonary Rehab Audits

January 24, 2014

Please join us for a second teleconference regarding the Palmetto audits of Pulmonary Rehab charges.  Connie Paladenech will be joining us again for a review of the information covered on...

Changes to LCD for Respiratory Therapy

January 22, 2014

  J11 Part A Local Coverage Determination (LCD) Updates The Palmetto GBA Medical Affairs department for Part A revised the following policies: Blepharoplasty, Eyelid Surgery, and Brow Lift, Colony Stimulating...