Welcome to the North Carolina Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Association web page!

The purpose of our organization is to work for the improvement of clinical practice, promotion of scientific inquiry, and advancement of education for the benefit of healthcare professionals and the public.

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NCCRA Program Innovation

The North Carolina Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Association (NCCRA) is looking to highlight programs across the state that have found unique ways to provide services to their patients, have implemented services for...

Save the Date for the NCCRA Fall Regional Meetings

We are so excited to see everyone this fall and hope that you can get one of these dates on your calendar. More details to come as plans are finalized....

We are 7 weeks out from the 39th AACVPR Annual Meeting!

There is the highest registration numbers for this year's meeting than ever before so don't miss this opportunity to network with like-minded professionals. Will you be there? We would love...

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