Brochure for the NCCRA Symposium

January 15, 2013

2013 brochure

J11 Part A Clinical Webinar – Probe Edits: New Date for Event

November 15, 2012

Please note the new date for the Probe Edit J11 Part A Clinical Webinar. It has been changed from December 6 to December 11, 2012, from 10 a.m. to 11:30...

ACC/AACVPR Position Stand on Medical Director responsibilities in Outpatient cardiac rehab

November 6, 2012

See the attached position statement... position statement on medical director responsibilities

North Carolina Speakers at the AACVPR Conference

September 27, 2012

The NCCRA sponsored three lectures at the recent AACVPR Annual meeting in Orlando, Florida. We would like to congratulate the following speakers on their presentations: Karen Craig, MA, Duke University....

NCCRA chosen as 2012 AACVPR Outstanding Affiliate Award

September 27, 2012

Congratulations to the NCCRA for being chosen as the 2012 AACVPR Outstanding Affiliate of the year!! The AACVPR Outstanding Affiliate Award is presented each year to an affiliate society that...

NCCRA member inducted as an AACVPR Fellow

September 27, 2012

NCCRA Member Inducted as "Fellow" at the AACVPR Annual Conference!!! We would like to congratulate Mary Richard RN, BSN, FAACVPR from the Mission Hospitals Heart Path Program in Asheville, North...

J11 Part A Draft of LCD for cardiac rehab

September 25, 2012

It will be up for comment from October 2, 2012, to November 16, 2012. LCD draft for CR coverage 9-25-2012

The latest from Palmetto GBA

September 24, 2012

Jurisdiction 11 Part A Continuation of Outpatient Service-Specific Complex Review of Cardiac Rehabilitation without Continuous ECG (HCPCS Code 93797) in North Carolina The J11 Medical Review department performed a service-specific...

Universal Cardiac Rehab referral

June 12, 2012

Betty Matteson at UNC Chapel Hill has sent us the most updated version of the universal cardiac rehab referral that they are using. Please check it out and see if...

Pharmacists – Our Most Underutilized Healthcare Professionals

May 14, 2012

Great article! Pharmacists – Our Most Underutilized Healthcare Professionals

ACSM Position stand on Exercise and Physical Activity for Older Adults

May 7, 2012


Risk Stratification for Cardiac Rehab

April 26, 2012

This is a great resource that Carl King referenced at the NCCRA symposium. Risk Stratification for Cardiac Rehabilitation