Outpatient Pulmonary Rehab (HCPCS G0424): Completion of Prepayment Service-Specific Targeted Medical Review

January 13, 2014


NCCRA Teleconference on Pulmonary Rehab Audits

January 2, 2014

We will be hosting a teleconference so that the NCCRA reimbursement/MAC committee can share information with you regarding the Palmetto audits of our Pulmonary Rehab programs.  It is scheduled for...

Cardiac Rehabilitation Coverage and Documentation Requirements Webcast

November 26, 2013

  Cardiac Rehabilitation Coverage and Documentation Requirements Webcast Cardiac rehabilitation is the process by which persons with cardiovascular disease (including but not limited to patients with coronary heart disease) are...

CMS Proposed Decision Memo for Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) Programs – Chronic Heart Failure

November 25, 2013

CMS Proposed Decision Memo for Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) Programs - Chronic Heart Failure CHICAGO (November 22, 2013) -- The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) yesterday proposed a coverage...

AACVPR Job Analysis Study

November 21, 2013

Dear colleague, You are receiving this survey as part of a comprehensive Job Analysis Study of Cardiac Rehabilitation/Secondary Prevention Programs for the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR).The...

New ACC/AHA Guidelines have been released

November 13, 2013

Shared via PCNA AHA AND ACC PUBLISH 2013 PREVENTION GUIDELINES MADISON, Wis. (November 12, 2013)--This afternoon, the American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology jointly released four new prevention...

Prepayment Service-Specific Targeted Medical Review Results for Part A Outpatient Pulmonary Rehab (HCPCS code G0424) for North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia

November 11, 2013

Palmetto GBA performed service-specific prepayment targeted medical review on Part A claims for HCPCS code G0424, Outpatient Pulmonary Rehab, in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia. The review period was...

November is COPD Awareness Month

November 7, 2013

Please help to raise awareness! http://www.copdfoundation.org/ http://www.copdfoundation.org/screener.aspx  

Professional Certification through AACVPR

November 6, 2013

Starting in 2014, cardiac rehabilitation professionals will be able to earn the only professional certification made specifically for them: Certified Cardiac Rehabilitation Professional (CCRP). Identify yourself as a leader in...

Burden of Care in Cardiac rehab survey

October 16, 2013

Betty Matteson has worked diligently addressing the burden of care in cardiac rehab programs across the state. The NCCRA is in support of this project. Attached is a cover letter...

The NCCRA Needs You!

October 3, 2013

Have you ever wanted to become involved with the state organization or do you know someone that you think would be a great addition to our association? The NCCRA is...


October 1, 2013

It's that time again!  The Cardiac rehab program re certification applications have been mailed out and are due December 1, 2013 .  Have you received yours?