CMS Audits of Cardiac Rehab

May 10, 2017

Please be aware that Cardiac rehab has been chosen by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) for medical review of claims data.   A small number of CR programs around the...

2018 NCCRA Symposium Save the Date!

April 28, 2017

We have our dates set for next year's symposium.  We hope that you mark your calendar for March 22-23rd 2018 and we'll see you in Chapel Hill!

NCCRA Symposium  – Information Regarding CEUs

April 6, 2017

Many of you who attended the NCCRA Symposium in March are expecting CEUs from the Friday Center.  Unfortunately, due to some technical difficulties, there has been a delay in the...

NCCRA Strategic Plan 2016-2019

March 24, 2017

Please take a look at the NCCRA Strategic Plan for 2016-2019 and speak to your Board representatives if you have any questions. NCCRA Strategic Plan 2016-2019

Discipline Meeting Minutes

March 20, 2017

Thank you to all of our discipline chairs that facilitated our discipline meetings at Chapel Hill!  We appreciate all the information and support that you bring to our membership! 2017...

Are you ready?? Proposed Decision Memo for Supervised Exercise Therapy (SET) for Symptomatic Peripheral Artery Disease and AACVPR PAD Toolkit

March 5, 2017

Is your rehabilitation program ready to accommodate this new subset of patients?  Maybe you need to consider renaming your cardiopulmonary rehab department  to cardiovascular and pulmonary rehab? Unfamiliar with...

New Cardiac Rehab LCD is now available

January 23, 2017

A new Cardiac rehab LCD has been released by Palmetto, effective 1/19/2017*1&Cntrctr=377&name=&DocType=Active&s=34%7c48%7c53%7c58&bc=AggAAAQAAAAAAA%3d%3d&  

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) finalized new Innovation Center models – is your hospital included?

December 21, 2016 These new models advance CMS’ goal of improving the efficiency and quality of care for Medicare beneficiaries and encourage hospitals, physicians, and post-acute care providers to work together to...

Change in Mailhandler’s coverage for Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehab

December 6, 2016

If you have patients with Mailhandler's coverage you may want to encourage them to  look at their plan brochures. - Health Plans - Standard Options - Official Plan Brochure...

Palmetto Pulmonary Rehabilitation (G0424) Coverage & Documentation Webcast

November 1, 2016

Event Registration: Please join Palmetto GBA for a Part A Pulmonary Rehabilitation (G0424) Coverage & Documentation Webcast on November 9, 2016 at 10:00 am ET. This webcast is designed to...

CMS Seeks Comments on Supervised Exercise Therapy (SET) for Symptomatic Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)

October 3, 2016

Important News from AACVPR :  "CMS has posted a proposal that considers coverage of supervised exercise therapy for patients with symptomatic peripheral artery disease (PAD). This would be a separate...

Will You Be Ready for Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) Incentive Payment Model

August 4, 2016

From CMS website On July 25, 2016, the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) announced a model that will test the effects of payments that encourage the use...