AACVPR Needs Help from North Carolina CR/PR programs

October 2, 2015

Dear AACVPR Affiliate and Advocacy Leaders, It’s time for a good news update and home-stretch action on your part. Senate bill S.488 is in good position with 16 co-sponsors and...

Outpatient Pulmonary Rehab (HCPCS G0424) Prepayment Service-Specific Targeted Medical Review Results for May – July, 2015

September 14, 2015

Outpatient Pulmonary Rehab (HCPCS G0424) Prepayment Service-Specific Targeted Medical Review Results for May - July, 2015 Palmetto GBA performed service-specific prepayment targeted medical review on claims for Outpatient Pulmonary Rehab,...

Physician Representative to the NCCRA Board of Directors

September 4, 2015

From our Immediate-Past President: Dear NCCRA Colleagues, It is my great pleasure to announce that Paula Miller, MD has agreed to serve as Physician Representative to the NCCRA Board of...

J11 Transition from J11 to JM

July 16, 2015

The Jurisdiction M contract will cut over August 27, 2015, and replace Jurisdiction 11, which covered the same territory and has been held by Palmetto GBA since 2010. A 60-minute...

Palmetto – Outpatient Pulmonary Rehab Prepayment Service-Specific Targeted Medical Review Results

June 18, 2015

Palmetto GBA performed service-specific prepayment targeted medical review on claims for Outpatient Pulmonary Rehab, HCPCS G0424, in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia/West Virginia. The results for the period of...

New tool for helping patients find your center

June 3, 2015

We have added this tool to our program directory page and welcome you to use it in your marketing materials. It has been created to assist patients in finding the...

Take the Clinical Exercise Physiologist Association Salary Survey!

June 1, 2015

The Clinical Exercise Physiology Association (CEPA), an affiliate society of ACSM, is conducting this survey that is specific for those working in Clinical Exercise Physiology. Here is a link to...

Congratulations to the program at Carolina East in New Bern!

June 1, 2015

The Cardiopulmonary Rehab program at CarolinaEast in New Bern NC just re-opened in their brand new beautiful location. Congratulations!

Palmetto Resources

May 5, 2015

Following a recent meeting with a Palmetto representative I wanted to share a few resources that they shared with us: http://palmgba.com/gbd/category/pulmonary-rehabilitation/ https://www.youtube.com/user/PalmettoGBAEdu

PCNA has joined our fight and made it even easier to contact our folks in Washington

April 9, 2015

Supervision of Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Services Do you think Nurse Practitioners should be allowed to handle day-to-day supervision of cardiac and pulmonary rehab services? Currently under Medicare, these programs...

Email Communication from NCCRA

March 24, 2015

Have you recently received an email from the NCCRA requesting your feedback on whether you would like to receive communication regarding the coastal, piedmont or mountain region? If not, it...