New Palmetto LCD for Cardiac Rehab!!!

January 15, 2013

The new LCD for cardiac rehab goes into effect on January 28th, 2013. Please Read Carefully! http___www.cms.gov_medicare-coverage-database_shared_handlers_highwire.ashx_url=http___www.cms.gov_medicare-coverage-database_details_lcd-details

Sorry, we misssed this one!

October 30, 2012

At the recent AACVPR meeting in Orlando, Florida, one of our long standing members of the NCCRA was given a very special award.  Carl N. King, EdD received the new...

Upcoming Regional Meetings!!

October 5, 2012

Piedmont Regional Meeting:  The meeting will be held on Thursday October 11th from 10AM to 2PM at Forsyth Medical Center in Winston Salem, NC.  Please contact Betty Matteson if you...

New Exercise Discipline Chair

March 29, 2012

  The NCCRA is pleased to welcome Jennifer Simmons as the new Exercise Discipline Chair.  Jennifer replaces Ashley Walker who has assumed the role of Coastal Region VP.  Jennifer's contact information follows:  ...

2012 NCCRA Symposium Presentations

February 29, 2012

Letting Go of What's Holding You Back...Wayne Sotile Ph.D.Cardiac & Pulmonary Rehabilitation Under Medicare....Mark D Pilley MD “The Future Integration of Preventive Service into a Preventive Health Model Expectations after...

33rd Annual NCCRA Symposium Info

January 17, 2012

Please click on the attachements below for the intenerary, registration and directions to the upcoming symposium: 33rdAnnualNCCRASymposium2012final1

Important Notice: CMS Audit

December 31, 2011

 Please click on the link below to read the "Word" document: audit

NCCRA Member Opportunities

December 8, 2011

NCCRA Member Opportunities

Notes from the Pulmonary Meeting in High Point

August 29, 2011

Dr. Pilley's Presentation link below: Regional Pulmonary Rehab meeting notes

Piedmont Regional Meeting Scheduled

August 25, 2011

The NCCRA Piedmont Region Meeting has been scheduled for Thursday September 15th, from 10AM - 2PM at the Stedman Center, Duke Center for Living Campus.  If you have questions, please contact...

Please Note: Date Change for State Pulmonary Rehabilitation Meeting

May 31, 2011

The state pulmonary rehabilitation meeting will be held on Tuesday August 9th, from 10am til 2pm at High Point  Regional.  This is a change from the original date (August 2nd).  The reason...