NCCRA Program Innovation

The North Carolina Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Association (NCCRA) is looking to highlight programs across the state that have found unique ways to provide services to their patients, have implemented services for unique patient populations not usually served, or have made special efforts in communicating the value of cardiopulmonary rehabilitation within their hospital or system.  To do this, NCCRA is calling for submissions from cardiac and pulmonary rehab programs across the state that have successfully implemented unique strategies or programs to improve the health of their communities or to increase awareness about the value of cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation. 

If selected, program representatives will provide a 15-20-minute oral presentation at the 45th Annual NCCRA Symposium describing the program that was implemented along with any interesting results.  In return, up to two program representatives will receive complimentary registration to the Symposium along with hotel accommodations for one night.

To submit a program for consideration, complete the Program Innovations Application on the NCCRA website by March 15, 2024.  Submit your application to  Questions about submitting a program for consideration can be addressed to (