Changes in Membership

Over the last few years the NCCRA Board has worked very hard to enhance your experience as a member of the organization.  We have:

  • Created and maintained an updated and modern website that has improved our ability to communicate and share timely information with you such as regulatory and reimbursement news
  • Established a presence with both LinkedIn and Facebook in order to bring you up to date information that can enhance your cardiopulmonary rehab practice and give you a platform to engage with colleague
  • Added a new feature that automatically disseminates an email communication to you when a new website post is available
  • Enhanced the regional meeting experience to bring you more opportunities to receive CEUs and current practice

This is all in addition to the typical benefits of membership that include:

·       Access to top-notch education opportunities

·       Potential discounts for educational opportunities

·       Discounted AACVPR continuing education credits

·       Timely reimbursement, legislative, and best practice updates via email

·       Opportunity to serve on committees, impacting cardiac and pulmonary rehab at the state level

·       Access to members only section of the website

·       Networking opportunities with cardiac and pulmonary rehab professionals

·       Access to discipline-specific meetings

·       Opportunity to participate with other programs in the state in cardiac and pulmonary rehab   
        activities such as cardiac and pulmonary rehab weeks

·       Access to important cardiac and pulmonary rehab resources

·       Contribution to local, state, and federal cardiac and pulmonary rehab initiatives that support   
        and advance our profession

We hope that we can continue to offer the above benefits, and more, for many years to come.  In order for us to maintain the financial stability of NCCRA, however, there is a need to update the price structure of our organization and annual symposium.  This is the first price increase in over 15 years.

Effective Monday, February 12th you will see the following changes:

  • Professional membership $75/year
  • Student membership   $25/year
  • Symposium fees for NCCRA members $140
  • Symposium fees for non-members $250

We look forward to partnering with you in the coming year and as always welcome your feedback.  Please email us at