Message from our New Exercise Discipline Chair

As the newly appointed Exercise Discipline chair, I encourage you all to attend your regional meetings this month.  It is always beneficial to meet, network and receive up to date information within our specific discipline and region.  If topics should arise during the regional sessions that you feel may need more discussion, please email me and I will get the conversation started.

In addition, if you have questions or comments throughout the year pertaining to our exercise discipline or Cardiopulmonary Rehab  please feel free to email and I will do my best to help answer your questions or get others involved who may know more about the specific topic.

Thank-you for you time and your continued dedication to our field of study and Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation.

Angela Lanier, MS ACSM-CEP

Clinical Exercise Physiologist, Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation
Iredell Health System
557 Brookdale Drive
Statesville, N.C.  28677
704-878-4558 ext 3442
704-878-4951 (Fax)|