New tool for helping patients find your center

We have added this tool to our program directory page and welcome you to use it in your marketing materials. It has been created to assist patients in finding the cardiopulmonary rehab facility closest to their home.

Closest Facility Search – Directions for use:
• In upper right corner of the screen, enter a patient’s address (Number and Street, City or Town, Zip) in the search field and hit enter on your keyboard.
• A blue “Directions” box will appear. Click on the X in the upper right corner of the blue box.
• A list of cardiac rehab programs will appear, starting with the geographically closest program, along with an estimate of the driving distance from the patient’s address.
• Click on the name of the cardiac rehab program – the program’s address, phone and fax will appear, and the map will change to show the facility location.
• There is no print function, but program contact information can be cut/pasted into other documents or emails. A screen shot or snip can capture the map.
• If the site doesn’t reset as it should, close and reopen it.